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Recycling initiative for children

Almost 200 children from the primary schools visited REDWAVE

On Friday, 24.05.2019, almost 200 children from the primary schools in Eggersdorf, Flöcking and Graz-Sankt Veit visited REDWAVE, from just after 8 o'clock onwards. The young visitors were first given an explanation about the topic of recycling and then had the opportunity to experience material recycling live. At the start, a discussion was held with the young school children about the questions of: "What is recycling; How does waste separation work and; How is the waste that we throw into various waste bins actually recycled?". The children got to learn about, and in some cases actually touch and feel, recycled materials such as shredded metals from scrapped cars and plastic flakes from plastic drink bottles and household containers. In addition, the children were shown soaked paper pulp and learned how paper recycling works and how old paper can be used to produce new material. After a warm refreshment, the children had the opportunity, in small groups, of conducting their own test on a sorting machine. The coloured plastic drink bottles, which they had previously been given to quench their thirst, were now thrown by the children in to the REDWAVE 2i sorting machine. And they were able to experience live how the machine automatically sorted each of their drink bottles according to the different colours. The sorting into different colours or different materials is necessary in order to be able to resell recycled products such as these plastic bottles. This allows industry, for example, to once again produce new bottles, or clothing or packaging from the sorted material. During and afterwards, the young and lively visitors had the chance to let off steam on the giant slide and bouncing castle. It was a real pleasure for us to receive our young guests and experience their interest in recycling!

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